Tool management & tool data management

Smooth integration to all common CAM systems & NC simulation

Organization & management of tools & NC programs

Overview of tool locations at all times with RFID

Direct communication with the controller

Comparison of actual values in simulation & production

40 tool manufacturers in global search

Digital twin to DIN 4003

Full integration with common CAM systems

More than 949,000 cutting tools

Properties to DIN 4000/ISO 13399

More than 25 years of experience with tools and tool data

You save time and costs, avoid risky input errors and sustainably secure knowledge in the company.

Tools4Tools is the professional and universal interface software to exchange tool data between the different participants of the manufacturing process.

Tool lengths and diameters are made available to the programming and the machines by the tool setting device.

Tool lists are read from controllers for CAD/CAM programming.

These participants perform a wide variety of tasks. Geometry and cutting data from the manufacturers are loaded from the cloud and sent to the CAD/CAM system.

Parametric tool view

3D display of complete tools

Multiple technology sets per tool

Technology classification revision

Simplified tool input window

USB interface file transponder

R F I D    T O O L    I D E N T I F I C A T I O N

The identification of tools by RFID tags provides a better and digitized overview of the tool data available in the plant.

With Tools4Tools, the storage locations of the tools can thus be located in no time at all.

Very easy and fast reading of the tools by RFID into the Tools4Tools tool management.

Continuous control of where and in what condition the tools are.

Optimization of the entire tool data stock and right allocation.

Uncomplicated, fast digitizing of tools from stock.

RFID enables contactless data exchange between an RFID transponder and an RFID reader. Information is read / written from the chip.


1. Order

2. Planning

3. CAD/CAM – Download & Import tools from Tools4Tools

4. Tool sotrage – All tools available? Where?

5. NC simulation – NC program verification / collision control

6. Manufacturingg – Machine loaded with correct tools?

7. Delivery – On time!

By digitizing the process chain, especially of the tools, you have an overview of ALL data in Tools4Tools ALLE .


The tools, which are tagged with our RFID chips, can be located at any time in Tools4Tools . This means you always know where the tools you need for production are, whether they are currently in use and where they are stored.


Always keep track of all your tools and your production with Tools4Tools tool data management!

P L U G    A N D    P L A Y

Your CNC machine is not WLAN enabled or connected in your network?

Through our “Filetransponder” you can digitize your CNC machines in no time or integrate them into the network to use all the functions ofTools4Tools.


Connect our Filetransponder to the USB port of the CNC machine and your control is connected to the in-house network and equipped with WLAN.


By integrating into your network via our file transponder, your control can communicate immediately with our Tools4Tools tool data management system.

Did you know that NC2Check with Tools4Tools is the only NC simulation solution that has complete, integrated tool data management, allowing you to digitize, locate and compare your tools with the CNC control in an instant, while at the same time having NC code based machine simulation?


Test Tools4Tools to the full extent completely free of charge and convince yourself of the advantages of our tool data management!
Use our contact form or call us!
Phone.: +49 2423 408 78 43 – Email: info@nc2check.com



+49 2423 408 78 43

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